Each and every day, Ugandans choose one of almost 300 Radios for information, news, announcements, and entertainment. Over 30 million Ugandans tune in regularly, making Radio the most frequently used medium in the country.
EARS aggregates the largest audiences
Our objective is to bundle many radio stations across the country. From community, listening, to local upcountry radio and even the biggest radio stations in Kampala, we make it possible to reach the entire population.
We are reliable: we undertake real time monitoring of your campaign through in-house and third party partners. It’s our objective to improve standards and quality of research and monitoring in radio advertising in Africa.
Radio is a powerful media tool with unique strengths:
- Radio has wide reach, low ad avoidance, and the ability to reach people at the most critical moments, making it a strong media to launch successful campaigns.
- Radio fosters trust and personal attachment. Listeners have a strong emotional connection with their favorite stations and their hosts, especially in rural areas.
Radio in rural areas is one of the most important methods for sharing information. Most people in Uganda are in possession of a radio, like cattle herders from the west who listen in as they roam.
This strength of radio is especially vital for health and charity campaigns. - Radio provides resonance. It is an emotional influencer with the power to enhance brand loyalty at a subconscious level.
- Radio is a sales driver; it is highly effective at transporting messages with a strong ROI (Return on Investment = Ratio between the net profit and cost of investment)
- Radio ensures short term lead times and low production costs. Campaigns can be implemented fast and efficiently–saving money every step of the way.
- Radio is a fantastic medium for local advertisers as it allows you to reach out to the local community in a highly targeted and profit-maximizing way.
- Radio provides advertising contacts closest to their time of purchase–like on the drive from home or from work to the shopping centre.
Over 85% of Ugandans listen to the radio everyday!